Tabitha Foundation Cambodia

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With our regular newsletters, we aim to keep you posted on all the interesting and important news and updates of our programs and various activities. Enjoy reading! 

December 8, 2014


Dear friends and partners,

In this holiday season we often hear the expression of peace on earth – goodwill to people. Today all of us from Tabitha Cambodia l want to take a moment and wish each of you peace.

I had the opportunity to ask a few of our children, what present would they like – what gift would make their families have some form of peace – what would give them some relief from the daily grind of life. I would like to share several of their responses.

In this season of goodwill I asked Srei Neang, 9 years old if she could have any present what would she want. I want a bicycle so I can go to school, my mum could make her business bigger, my dad would take us for a ride and start his business. A bicycle would be soooo good.




I asked 12 year old Phanette what he would like - I would like a set of cows so that they could carry my loads; take the family to town; help me to plow the fields; my dad would be happy because the cows would have babies to sell - sometimes though; cows butt people but I would like them anyway.




Peace on earth comes with making the day to day pressures of life a bit easier – the burdens lighter to carry. All of us have this need. Here in Cambodia those needs are so different from ours yet are so powerful and meaningful.

All of you have helped us to bring a measure of Peace to so many here and in a large variety of ways. I thank my God for those gifts ; I thank my God for each one of you. May the Peace that you have given be returned tenfold to each of you this blessed holiday season.

From all of us at Tabitha Cambodia, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.


Website:   Facebook: Tabitha Foundation Cambodia