Tabitha Foundation Cambodia

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With our regular newsletters, we aim to keep you posted on all the interesting and important news and updates of our programs and various activities. Enjoy reading! 

September 2018


Dear friends and partners,

This is the month when we reflect on the year that has passed. When we look at what our families have accomplished our hearts are humbled and thankful for all that has been achieved. I am very aware of how I take life and its gifts for granted – sometimes I think I am entitled to these gifts. I live amongst people for whom these gifts are not a right – gifts such as decent food each day - are not guaranteed - so I have learned that all these things I take for granted are really privileges that I must cherish and honor.

Did you know that we review the progress of our families on a monthly basis. We break achievements down into manageable markers. Let me share some of these.

We measure Basic Necessities – things like better food where our families are able to eat a balanced diet throughout the day. We measure things like cooking pots and pans, or better clothing.


We measure things such as Income generation -income derived from chickens and pigs or small business of all kinds,


We measure the impact of Transportation and Education – transport such as bicycles and motorcycles so essential in children going to school or carrying out small businesses. We have been given the privilege of building another 6 schools – over the past 12 years we have completed 92 schools – an average of 600 children attend each year – enabling more than 500,000 children to attend school over the years. How good that is!


We measure the impact of the Environment and Water – clean potable water sources – allowing people to bathe and cook and to increase their incomes through the growing of crops year round and raising animals. We have enabled  families to make life changes through the provision of water. We count water storage containers as well as toilets being built.



We measure the impact of Housing and Housing improvements- this year  1,049 volunteers came and built   houses. Families rebuilt or made changes to their homes – improving their living conditions and increasing their security.


We measure Cottage Industry – the making of silk products by our workers-women who have lived unimaginably difficult lives – now living with dignity and pride. This year we sold   US$371,536.58  worth. We are so grateful to each of our volunteers and customers who have made this possible.


What we cannot measure is the dignity and joy found within our families as they take bigger and bigger steps towards living a life of dignity. I thank my God for this gift of life and its privileges. Each day I thank my God for each of you who have made this happen.

Now it is time to look forward to our new program year and the families that we are privileged to serve. This year we will reach more than 10,000 families – this year the cost is $25.00 USD per family. I pray that each of you would find it in your hearts to stand with one of more families this year as they take their steps to a life of dignity and privilege. How good that will be!


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