Tabitha Foundation Cambodia

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With our regular newsletters, we aim to keep you posted on all the interesting and important news and updates of our programs and various activities. Enjoy reading! 

July 2008


Dear friends and partners, Well it’s been almost 2 months since I wrote to all of you and what a two months they have been. Miriam and I traveled to Australia for a fundraising tour. We caught up with good friends, shared meals and wine with people whom we’ve learned to call family – Miriam had a number of firsts in her young life: she went shopping all on her own with her own money in a mall while I got my hair cut and promised God all kinds of things if He would keep her safe – 20 minutes felt like forever and all kinds of horror thoughts went through my mind. Miriam helped light fireworks – a wonderful mix of anxiety and joy – she learned to kick a Footie ball and developed a crush on a young man with curly hair and a delightful personality – the two shopped in a dollar store and they acted like an old couple – discussing the virtues of a mood ring. Miriam had a memorable day with Hansa and Sally at Luna Amusement Park, she went to a movie with these two teens and had – as she says – a best day.

I talked at schools and at multi nationals – I though toilet seats should be warmed – one of my best moments was the Screening of the Tabitha Movie – To Speak – it was an evening when I was surrounded by friends – and we rejoiced together in what Cambodians can do together. Another special moment was having dinner with the Tabitha Foundation Australia Board of Directors – what a formal name for people who are so very much more to me – friends and colleagues. We returned at the end of June to start a frenetic 3 weeks of volunteers and housebuilding. 178 houses were built in those three weeks – homes for families for whom the rains no longer cause sleepless nights – homes for children who get to sleep safely with parents near them – homes for children whose parents have passed away - now feel secure at night and during the day. I would like to say that it was all accident free but there were a few bandages for cuts and scrapes – and a much bruised back and rib. We also shared good food and a few bottles of wine – I even went so far as to play basketball with some young people – scored a basket much too to everyone’s amazement. This week, well this week tensions have risen. National elections will occur on Sunday and the government has ordered a mandatory closure of everything for a three day period. The staffs have requested their salaries be given early so that they can buy extra food. Border tensions between Cambodia and Thailand have increased and at the moment, no resolution seems to be in sight. Both camps have military stationed there and everyone is wondering what will happen next. People are worried – it would only take one soldier firing his gun to start of something no one wants and yet – everyone talks with strong words. So, keep Cambodia in your thoughts and prayers this week – that wisdom and peace will prevail. I thank each of you for your continued support – I thank my God for His continued Grace in our lives . Janne